Simulate human response with unmatched speed and precision.
In 2025, 90% of the content online will be produced with the help of AI. Cognitive AI is the validation layer for generative AI.
Trusted by governments and global corporations
Belief + Spread = Impact
“Impact is the combination of emotion and action and can be positive or negative. Our research proves the foundation for a product that enables companies, governments, and researchers to accurately predict impact in seconds.”
VP of Data Science at Limbik
How do we do it?
People change over time, as do their attitudes and perceptions – to ensure ongoing confidence, our cognitive AI models are continuously learning, being fed data about changing beliefs and an ever-evolving information environment.
Safety & Alignment
Human Feedback is foundational to cognitive AI. We enhance our training data with actual responses from real people and incorporate feedback submitted by our users to reduce biases and improve modal performance.
We continuously validate and improve our models with lessons from real-world applications of our previous models and compare model performance to interviews with real people. New versions of our models are not released until they achieve a minimum level of confidence.
Our cognitive AI models are only accessible through approved partners to facilitate transparency and eliminate adversarial usage. Limbik exists to shape a world in which promise and progress are not impeded by the perpetual spread and belief of inauthentic information.