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Global Consumer Brand Utilizes Cognitive AI to Navigate Real-Time Narrative Impact


Following the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack in Israel, an international consumer brand faced widespread calls for boycotts linked to politically charged narratives, including online support for movements advocating divestment from the company. In a fast-evolving landscape, the brand needed to assess public perception of these narratives and measure the likelihood of their spread to understand the immediate reputational risk.


The brand utilized cognitive AI to evaluate the Believability, Virality, and Potential for Impact (PFI) of narratives related to the boycott calls. Limbik allowed the client to assess how believable these narratives were across regions and audiences and simulate the potential amplification on social media. Additionally, the company evaluated CEO statements in real time, garnering insights into public reception and enabling rapid refinement of messaging to address emerging concerns.


Within hours, the brand leveraged cognitive AI to craft strategic, credible, and consistent responses. They focused on messaging with high Believability and lower Virality risks, helping mitigate potential reputational impact. This case demonstrates how cognitive AI empowers global brands to navigate sensitive narratives and respond quickly to evolving public sentiment.

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Immediate validation. Faster decisions. Better results.

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Immediate validation. Faster decisions. Better results.

Unlock the power of cognitive AI today.

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Immediate validation. Faster decisions. Better results.

Unlock the power of cognitive AI today.

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